Today I did a shoot for one of Irving Bible Church’s many ministries. This shoot was for their Single Parents Ministry which focused on mentoring. When I met Christopher and Gideon today and got to know them in the short time we had together, I couldn’t help but look back on my childhood and recognize the significant impact this is going to have on this little boys life. Irving Bible Church adult mentors walk together with children from single parent families in exciting group mentoring events where they engage in sports, games, crafts, life-skills workshops, service projects and lots more! All the while walking alongside a mentor that instills in them godly values and being a role model. I feel that this is such an amazing ministry because I came from a single family home and experienced firsthand the challenges that my family faced. If there is anyone out there reading this post that is either a single parent or know someone who is, I encourage you to visit Irving Bible Church and see just how amazing their ministries are. I can say with certainty that you will find a place that is right for you to either receive help or to serve others.